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Benefits of Lemon + A Lemon Ginger Juice Recipe

Writer's picture: Greta KentGreta Kent

I've been on a lemon kick since the Spring, so let's chat about some of the health benefits we can see by incorporating more lemon into our daily routines.

Lemons are a citrus fruit that are a rich source of vitamin C. One serving of 58 g of lemon can provide over 30 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C.

Because of the tangy and often sour flavor of citrus fruits, lemons are often used in smaller quantities in things like baked goods, sauces, salad dressings, marinades, drinks, desserts, etc. But rarely do we consume them alone.

Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C, like we've already mentioned, but also flavonoids, which are antioxidants. Antioxidants are what helps remove free radicals, that can damage cells in the body.

Here are some of the possible health benefits of consuming lemons:

whole and chopped lemons on white linen.



+ Studies show that the flavonoids in citrus fruits may help lower the risk of ischemic stroke in women. Ischemic stroke is the most common type of stroke; it can happen when a blood clot blocks the flow of blood to the brain.


+ Studies found that women in Japan who walked regularly and consumed lemon on a daily basis, had lower blood pressure than those who did not. It's important to note, however, that more research is needed to identify the role of lemon in this improvement and to confirm whether consuming lemon can help reduce blood pressure, since we know that walking daily can also lower blood pressure.


+ We know from above that lemons are a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants. Antioxidants may help prevent free radicals from causing cell damage, that can lead to cancer. It's important to note, however, that exactly how antioxidants can help prevent cancer remains unclear.


+ Vitamin C plays a key role in the formation of collagen, the support system of the skin. Things like sun exposure, pollution, aging, and more, can result in damage to the skin. Studies suggest that either eating vitamin C in its natural form or applying it topically, can help prevent this type of damage.


+ Those with asthma who consume higher amounts of vitamin C and other nutrients when they have a cold, may experience fewer asthma attacks, according to a review. There's also evidence included, which suggests vitamin C benefitted people with bronchial hypersensitivity when they had a common cold.


+ Increasing Iron Absorption

+ Boosting The Immune System

+ Weight Loss


A word of caution, if a person does not consume enough vitamin C, they will develop a deficiency. This deficiency is known as scurvy. While it is rare in the U.S., it can affect people who do not consume a varied diet.

Symptoms of Scurvy:

+ fatigue

+ malaise (feeling of being unwell)

+ inflammation of the gums / bleeding gums

+ red patched on the skin due to blood vessels breaking beneath the surface

+ joint pain

+ slow woung healing

+ depression

Many of these happen when the connective tissues weaken due to the lack of vitamin C. And since vitamin C helps the body absorb iron, people who are deficient in iron may also develop anemia.

infographic showing lemons and their health benefits

Now that we know some of the key nutritional elements that come with lemon, check out the recipe below.


Try this anti-inflammatory, immunity boosting, and ultra hydrating lemon ginger juice recipe. On repeat this Summer, but also perfect for boosting our health as we head into colder months.

a hand holding a glass bottle with yellow lemon ginger juice in it.


4 cups water

1 whole lemon, washed

1" chunk of fresh ginger root

2 Tbsp raw honey

dash of celtic sea salt or himalayan sea salt


Step 1: Wash the lemon and ginger.

It's so important to wash your produce, especially if you're not buying organic produce. Use a fruit and veggie wash or simple use apple cider vinegar with water.

Step 2: Chop.

Once your lemon is clean, go ahead and shop it into quarters. For the ginger, leave as is, there's no need to peel.

Step 3: Add ingredients to blender.

Add all ingredients into your blender.

Step 4: Strain.

After blending, use a fine mesh strainer or nut milk bag, to strain the pulp and any larger pieces that are left over. Store in a glass jar in the fridge and sip on in the morning.

Your Lemon Ginger Juice will keep in the fridge for up to a week (if it lasts that long!). Let me know if you try this recipe and tag me on social media @gigiikent.


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