Greta KentHEALTHY ISN'T JUST A "LOOK", IT'S A FEELINGMOVEMENT- Move your body for minimum 30 minutes a day. Some days that might look like a walk around your neighborhood. Other days that...
Greta KentDO YOU FEEL GUILTY TAKING TIME OFF?Did you shake your head on this one? If you feel guilty for taking time off, get antsy when you sit still, or feel as though you need to...
Greta KentENCOURAGING WORDS 02you know the saying Dream Big, Work Big? because it really describes my current mood. the simplicity and the power of that short phrase,...
Greta KentENCOURAGING WORDS 01every day, make a tiny agreement with yourself & follow through with it. you'll start to see yourself as a person who honors their word,...
Greta KentLET ME INTRODUCE MYSELFI am so grateful you're here. I wanted to formally introduce myself. So, who am I? I am. . . a woman who was tired of taking life's...
Greta KentJUST A NOTEThe best decision I ever made was following my passion and never giving up despite all the times I've thought about it. I am so grateful...